Love Offering Received
It is with great excitement that we invite you to our 2023 IGNITE YOUTH RALLY! As Satan viciously attacks our young people, let us be fervent in our efforts to train and prepare them to be victorious through Jesus Christ! We would love for you folks to join us on September 16, 2022, from 10am-5pm for an amazing time of encouragement and evangelism!
Throughout the day, we will have all kinds of carnival-type activities, inflatables, dunk tank, volleyball, cornhole, horseshoes, and more! One of the biggest activities of the day will be a 5v5 Dodgeball Tournament. Young people and adults can show up prepared with their team or join a team throughout the day! Competitors and spectators will have a blast at the Dodgeball Tournament! A hamburger/hotdog meal will be served for lunch! Concessions will also be available throughout the day at very low cost; so, make sure that everyone brings a few dollars of spending money!
The most important part of our IGNITE YOUTH RALLY is the worship services. The New Hope Youth Choir will be providing the special music and other young people will be invited to join the Ignite Youth Rally Choir! We are excited to have Pastor Steve Cox from Bible Baptist Church in Simpsonville, SC to be our guest preacher for this rally! Pastor Cox will be a tremendous help as he preaches God’s Word in our rally services!
Would you join us on September the 16th as we have a blast serving Jesus?!?! You can register your family, group, or individuals today at www.awordofhope.com/rally. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Pastor Sam Mills @ 704.754.7984 or makingadifference08@gmail.com.

Pastor Steve Cox
Bible Baptist Church
Simpsonville, SC

Youth Choir
Special Music