CoronaVirus Response
This page will be continually updated with the latest information
Service Schedule
Beginning May 24, 2020, we will resume our Sunday morning and Sunday evening services inside the main auditorium.
Sunday Morning @ 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening @ 6:00 PM
Nursery facilities will be available for parents to use but will not be staffed. No Bus Ministry, Sunday School, Teen Church, or Children's Church will be held at this time. We will gradually be reinstating these ministries over the next few weeks.
Many measures have been taken to ensure the safety of our church family. Facilities have been and will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. We encourage social distancing throughout your time here at church. PLEASE! If you are sick, considered high risk, or do not feel safe returning yet, we wholeheartedly encourage you to stay at home and join us online!
Currently, we are live streaming at the following times:
Sunday - 11:00 AM
Sunday - 6:00 PM
We are working to have services available through our church YouTube channel & Facebook page. Check back often for updated videos!
Click to visit our YouTube channel or Facebook page!
Make sure to Subscribe, Like, Follow, & Share!!
You can also listen to one of our recent audio services by clicking here.
Although the next few weeks will likely involve unique formats and scheduling of our services, the ministry responsibilities, both locally and to world-wide missions, will continue. Let’s be faithful in our giving of tithes and offerings. As a church, we now have the option to give online. You can find detailed instructions for online giving by clicking here. You can also mail a check directly to the church or bring it personally this Sunday or anytime during the week when someone is present in the office. If you are unable or uncomfortable getting out at this time, contact us and we can set up a time to come by and pick-up your offering.
God is in control. We can and must trust Him. This means that while we remain realistic and attentive to the wise advice of those who are leading both our national and state response to COVID-19, we do not fear the future. We must remember 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
Secondly, this is a time to pray; this is not a time to panic. Pray for one another. Pray for God’s mercy and wisdom for global, US, and community leaders as they deal with the ever-changing dynamics.
Please continue to monitor our website to check updates as they become available. As always, our church staff is available at 704-633-2107. You can also email us at office@awordofhope.com.