New Audio/Video Needed
Family & Friends of New Hope,
As you know, in many ways, the last couple of months have been uncharted territories regarding church ministries and methods. We have relied heavily on technology to continue the great commission! We rejoice in God’s provision to allow us to continue to present the Gospel particularly by way of the internet.
As we continue live streaming and recording Bible-based services and content, we look forward to the days when we can once again meet inside the buildings of New Hope Baptist Church. As we draw closer to that day, we want to be prepared to continue our online presence at the same time. In order to continue and increase our effectiveness in the technological world, we believe it is necessary to make several upgrades to our equipment and supplies.
One of those needed upgrades is a new video camera. The camera that we are currently using has been graciously loaned to us by one of our members and has done an excellent job. We believe that it is time to purchase a camera that will help meet the on-going needs of our video ministry. After researching many options, we have selected a camera that will provide a balance of quality, versatility, and durability as we move forward.
We need to raise $1,300 to buy this needed equipment. We are asking our church family and friends to pray about giving towards the purchase price of this new camera. You can give towards this project by using either of the follow means:
1) You can use our online giving service through our church website or the tithe.ly mobile app (please be sure to select the proper designation when submitting your gift),
2) You can mail in a check or money order to the church (please be sure to write video camera on the memo line), or
3) You can contact the church office and arrange to personally give throughout the week.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us here in the church office. Thank you for lifting each other up in prayer during these days! God Bless!